Med Sled® Emergency Evacuation Kits
Basic evacuation kits provide the necessary tools for every evacuation. Med Sled® Emergency Evacuation Kits will increase the safety and speed for those in your facility during your evacuation. Each kit is designed to align critical tools with the responsibilities for each role in the evacuation. The critical roles include Unit Captain, Staff Evacuation, Patient Evacuation, and Staff Stairwell.

Unit Captain Kit
Captain communicates directly with command center; Coordinates all aspects of the unit evacuation; Deploys equipment for specific positions; Provides just in time direction and training of evacuation teams as necessary.
- Dimensions: 15”W x 36”L x 16”H
- Megaphone
- One size fits all high visibility mesh vest
- Multi Function LED headlamp dust mask
- Additional Items included
- *Customizable kits available, minimum quantities required

Staff Evacuation Kit
Healthcare provider determines and documents critical needs of patients; distributes Med Sled® to non-ambulatory patients; works in two person teams loading patients on Med Sleds®; transports patients to nearest stairwell for evacuation.
- Dimensions: 14”W x 16”H
- One size fits all high visibility mesh vest
- Headlamp
- Leather work gloves whistle
- Safety goggles
- Additional items included
- *Customizable kits available, minimum quantities required

Ambulatory Patient Evacuation Kit
Personal safety kit includes the basic tools needed during an evacuation. Follow direction of unit personnel.
- Dimensions: 14”W x 16”H
- Non-skid socks
- Dust mask
- Safety blanket
- Flashlight
- Additional Items included
- *Customizable kits available, minimum quantities required

Staff Stairwell Kit
Used in stairwell descent, this kit is for staff moving non-ambulatory patients trained in Med Sled® evacuation as both sender and receiver.
- Dimensions: 5”W x 9”L x 6”H
- One size fits all high visibility mesh vest
- Headlamp
- Dust mask
- Glow sticks
- Safety goggles
- *Customizable kits available, minimum quantities required
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