Our CEO, Charles Mullenger, recently sat down with Todd De Voe for his podcast prepare. respond. recover. to talk about something often overlooked but critical in this space: leadership and inspiration. Two of the biggest obstacles our clients face are getting leadership team to buy in on the need for preparedness and then truly inspiring their workforce to take preparedness seriously.
Working in preparedness, we know it can be difficult to explain what you do and why it's important. Let's face it, we spend our days planning for things that the average person doesn't even want to think about. Here at Ethos Preparedness we're covering 3 major initiatives to help overcome those obstacles and make the world a safer place:
We believe these three solutions are the keys to developing a culture of preparedness at organizations (and homes!) across the world and were honored to share our story with Todd as one of the leading voices in Emergency Management today.
If you've been curious to learn more about what we do, how we help Emergency Managers or even how we got our name, listen to the brief podcast and then get in touch with one of our experts today. We look forward to hearing more about your needs and what you're looking for in a preparedness partner.