We Support Your Organization's Mission of Preparedness
Inspiring Preparedness to Save Lives

AssessYour Facility's Evacuation Readiness
With a few key data points, we generate a custom report outlining your facility's current standing along with equipment recommendations and storage best practices.
Hear From Our Customers
Personal Preparedness
Creating an emergency plan for you or your family? Find smart solutions, tips, and advice here.
1% of our proceeds go directly to disaster relief efforts, victims, or worthwhile prevention projects.
Since 2004, Ethos has been cultivating the most trusted brands in innovative preparedness. Our vision is a culture of preparedness capable of creating more resilient communities, and we are dedicated to serving those with a calling for safety.

No one unprepared. No one left behind.

Disaster Preparedness Education
Studies have shown that people are not even minimally prepared for disasters in an increasingly disaster-prone world. In an unsparing examination of it's own efforts, FEMA concluded that the development of "individual cultures of preparedness from the bottom up could eventually lead to a more resilient nation." Your workplace can be a part of that movement.